Hendersonville High School

Events Calendar

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Canned food drive to benefit Hendersonville Samaritan Association
From Monday, October 21, 2024
To Friday, October 25, 2024
We will collect cans of food or money.  All money will be sent to room #140 at the beginning of class that week.  No need for a collection log.  We count and turn in one collection log each day.  A google form will be sent each day.  Please log the number of cans by grade each class period.  Remember to convert money collected to cans:  $1=5 cans.  This is important because we compete with other area schools for prize money.  And we are Commandos, so we like to WIN!

Hendersonville High School - 123 Cherokee Road - Hendersonville, TN 37075 - 615.824.6162